Following in the footsteps of the success of A Path to Wisdom, best-selling author, human behaviour specialist and modern spiritual leader Tony Jeton Selimi offers an in-depth exploration through overcoming child sexual abuse, being bullied, fighting as a teenager in a civil war, living homeless on the streets of London and understanding of loneliness. Drawing on his extraordinary life experiences, thirty years of study and research, the connection processes embedded in his TJSeMethod: ALARM (TM) and his healing techniques, Selimi offers a way to experience connection, freedom and love once again.
Loneliness is reaching endemic proportions in our society, reflected by rising suicide rates and increased mental illness. Now, more than ever, we need to find a way to connect. Loneliness is a feeling of separation or isolation; it is not necessarily the same as the physical state of being alone. This book is for people who suffer from loneliness, the kind that cannot be solved by simply being around other people. Their aloneness is a deeply embedded pattern that is both negative and painful; it is often fueled by trauma, mental health problems, loss, addiction, grief, controlling parents, bad relationships and a lack of self-esteem, self-worthiness and insecurity.
In #Loneliness, Tony identifies the seven pillars or qualities of loneliness: toxic environment, unstable family foundation, identity separation, feelings of fear, control and shame, lack of love, inability to communicate, perception of separation from spirit and goes on to share his revolutionary technique, the TJSeMethod Process, a form of intuitive journeying, usually involving harmonising our inner and outer realities. Through a series of exercises, Tony gets you to identify experiences that have to build your internal “walls” and “blockages”; as you move through the book, you learn to face your fears, acknowledge your learnings from these experiences and put you on a path to reach a place of unconditional love, freedom and acceptance.
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